Frequently Asked Questions


What heights will the RSC adjust to?

The RSC has eight, one-inch height adjustments best fitted to individuals between 5'0"/1524 mm - 6'3"/1905 mm.

Note: Always make sure the brass adjustment buttons are securely seated in the mating holes before using.


How do I adjust the height?

  1. Push in the brass indent buttons.
  2. Slightly twist the aluminum tube and move the tube up or down to your desired height, then twist the tube back until the brass indent buttons snap into the appropriate mating holes.

Note: Make sure the indent buttons of both legs of the RSC are at the same numbered positions.


How do I know to what height I should adjust the RSC?

With your arms dangling loosely at your side, the handle of the RSC should be at the same height as your wrist. 


On what side of my body, do I use the RSC?

Theoretically, your bad leg (knee, hip, ankle, foot) should be opposite the side of the cane. However, this depends on the strength of your hand and wrist and in which hand you are most comfortable with the cane. Use the side that is most comfortable and stable for you.


What side of the RSC goes next to my body?

The feet of the RSC have two different lengths. Always keep the shorter feet next to your body. This will significantly reduce the potential for tripping by accidentally kicking the longer feet.


How do I replace the rubber grommets on the feet of the RSC?

The rubber grommets will twist off the metal tubes. The rubber grommets are in direct contact with various surfaces, which naturally causes wear on the rubber. This is a natural occurrence that occurs on all canes, crutches and walkers. You can purchase new grommets at drugs stores, or big box home goods stores, and elsewhere. Note: Look in the bottom of the grommet to ensure you can see a metal washer. This washer prevents the ends of the cane's tube from cutting through the soft rubber grommets.


Can I use more than one RSC at the same time?

Yes. This provides more rapid movement forward along with greater lateral stability. Make sure to keep the short legs next to the user.


How do I put the RSC in my car?

  1. Use the RSC to get to your vehicle and open the door.
  2. Use the RSC to sit in your seat
  3. Tuck the feet of the RSC into the vehicle foot well. Note: You might have to determine best fit with the short or long legs toward the vehicle side. Note: If the RSC feet are in the user's way, then push the adjustment buttons and rotate the feet 90 degrees. Please note what inch setting the RSC was set at.
  4. Tuck the handle of the RSC between the seat and the door.
  5. Close the vehicle door.


How do I use the RSC to get out of a chair, or out of bed or off a toilet?

  1. Place the RSC directly in front of you, with the short legs pointing towards you.  Note: The height of the RSC might have to be adjusted depending on the height of the seat.
  2. Place your hands on the handle or the cross bar or one hand on each, depending on comfort level and height of seat.
  3. Gently lean forward and push down on the RSC while at the same time, raising to your feet, and maintaining your balance.


How do I use the RSC in a rocking motion?

  1. Firmly grasp the handle with one hand.
  2. Reach forward and place the back two feet on the surface.
  3. Step forward and rock the RSC onto all four feet.
  4. Keep moving forward and rock the RSC onto the front two feet.
  5. Lift the RSC and repeat the process.


How do I use the RSC in a resting position?

You can use The RSC when you are out walking and need a break.

  1. Place the RSC in front of you, with the short feet facing the user.
  2. Lean forward over the RSC, with both hands firmly on the handle.
  3. Maintain your balance and breath until rested, then continue on your way.


How do I use the RSC like a walker?

  1. Place the RSC in front of you, with the short feet facing towards you.
  2. Grasp the handle with both hands.
  3. Lift the RSC and place a comfortable distance in front of you.
  4. Take a step forward.
  5. Repeat the process.

Note: It is possible to place one of your feet between the legs (frame) of the RSC. This allows a longer step by the User.

Note: You may need to raise the height of the RSC by one or two inches depending on your height and comfort.


Do you ship to P.O. Boxes?

We are unable to ship the Rock Steady Cane to a P.O. Box.  Please provide a physical address.